Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The weather has taken a bit of a turn here in Northern Utah, a much welcomed turn. It's been blistering hot for a few months - too hot to even sit outside to eat dinner. Now it's getting cloudy and a little stormier. It's humid but I'm still pretty excited for the change in seasons. We went to Bath and Bodyworks last weekend and grabbed a couple of their new wallflower fragrances - we used to be super into candles until we had Autumn but now we're tired old farts and plug ins are a safer option all round. Just so you know, Bath and Bodyworks have killed it with this season's smells. Pumpkin Pecan Waffles, anyone?! Yes please. Twice. I bought two servings. I don't even particularly like pumpkin or pecan. I do, however love crispy leaves, Halloween, cosy sweaters, dark nights, and Thanksgiving...
One of the new designs I'll be releasing soon - I love the quote but I'm not entirely sold on the colours yet.
It's hard to believe that these chubby cheeks were almost a year ago!

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