Tuesday, October 15, 2013

i support handmade!

I've been trying to think for a while of something I can do to help encourage people to buy from small businesses this holiday season. I've done it for a few years and always have loved the experience - the personal touch that vendors add to packages etc. They go the extra mile and I'm more than happy to have my hard earned cash go straight into their pockets rather than some huge corporate fat-cat's pocket. Our economy needs that more than ever right now!

So here is my idea. Starting on November I would love to have enough vendors join me in my endeavor and help me host a huge giveaway. Depending on how many I can get together, there could be multiple giveaways. Every vendor that joins me will donate an item or store credit. There will be linking, and posting, and commenting, and sharing galore!

This will be a fantastic way for vendors to network, gain traffic, followers, and sales.

If this is you or you know someone who could use this please share this info with them. This will be awesome for everyone!
*You must have a blog, website, facebook business page, or other social network outlet set up to participate as a vendor.