Monday, April 14, 2014

Visiting Teaching: April 2014

I just got my first Visiting Teaching assignment in years and I'm excited to focus on the message each month - I found that creating this months message as a print has helped me literally focus on each individual word. Focusing is a serious weakness of mine while I'd say creating is a talent. Creating the message has miraculously helped me focus, absorb, and feel these words.

Download your free 5x7 print in these 2 colourways from here: April 2014 Visiting Teaching Message

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this message. I really loved it.

In youth we regularly had object lessons on repentance and our worth etc. Usually someone would chew up a piece of gum and then liken the chewed up gum to being morally unclean. The lesson was always disturbing to me. Basically there was no hope. If you made a mistake you were like a nasty piece of chewed up gum and nobody would ever want you. You can't unchew it. You can't straighten it out and repackage it. Not only will it never look like new, it'll always just be gross.

Repentance is absolutely not that way. Our worth is absolutely not that way. Heavenly Father NEVER sees us that way. It's an incredibly poor example of a misunderstood concept. Those kind of scare/guilt tactics have no place within our gospel. I feel like this months message illustrates it perfectly.


  1. Ah! I love it! I print these types of messages for my sisters all of the time!

    This quote is amazing. And it's such a great reminder. Sometimes we forget and stress over our imperfections and our failures. This quote helps us to remember who we are and whose we are. He loves us and no matter what wear and tear we have, we are always important to Him.

    1. Thanks Tammy, it's kind of a "thing" with me. I've mostly always been ok with my self-worth except for a couple of years when I was a teen. All in all though I've always felt great about myself. I've always recognised my talents and that's helped me be confident with myself. It makes me so sad that direct attacks from Satan really work on amazing people. This message is the perfect reminder for all of us :)

  2. I love love love this month's message and I love you for making it so amazing and accessible to all!

    1. Of course! I'm excited to get out to visit and share it :)
